-Kalyway & Co. for building the 10.5.2 ISO with such great AMD support
Now, let me apologize. I am not very good with wiki's, so the format of this page is gonna be a little rough. I'm open to people helping smooth the flow out as long as none of the content gets removed though :)
So, onto the good stuff. What I accomplished about 3 hours ago I have never been able to find documented thoroughly on the forums or on these wiki pages. There is another AMD installation guide for 10.5.1, but I found the instructions to be sub-par and the items provided for download to be frustratingly inadequate. So, here's what I have OS X running on (and what I am currently writing this wiki article from):
Motherboard: Asus A8N-SLI Premium nForce4 chipset, BIOS 1009
Processor: Socket 939 Athlon X2 4200 (or 4400, whichever the 2.2 ghz model name is)
RAM: 2 gigs of DDR1-400, Corsair XMS
Hard Drive: 200GB Western Digital IDE 7200RPM Special Edition
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon 3870 HD w/ 512 Megs of Ram
Sound: Onboard Nvidia sound
Microsoft Natural 4000 (its native USB, not one that you could revert back to PS/2)
Basically, its about as far from a Mac as you can get these days, with the possible exception of the HD (although I don't think they use WD, could be wrong). I do own a lovely Powerbook though, and own a genuine copy of OS X. Please, I would highly recommend going out and purchasing a copy of this fine operating system, and then donating to the Kalyway team. Even a dollar is helpful to the cause. . . .
I'm going to try to keep this up to date the best I can with fixes and such.
Updates for 4/26/2008:
- Apologies to anyone who couldn't post questions. The topic seems to have gotten deleted / lost over at insanelymac. I've reposted the new link. Thanks.
- I created a thread over in the forums found here:
http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=101755 Please post any questions / criticisms over there. Thanks :)
- Set up an issues section
- Added to the issues section my forcedeth.kext issue i found and a fix
- Added to the issues section how to fix the rosetta problem i found . .
Updates for 4/31/2008:
- Well my A8N board is giving me some hassles detecting the IDE Primary and Secondary Masters... it takes forever to stat them, and sometime won't at all. [sigh] When I CAN stat it though, OS X is working nice
- Ran into a small issue with my keyboard not being detected. The fix so far seems to be moving the keyboard from one USB slot to the other. Anyone else having this issue? I temporarily added that fix until I can work out a final fix.
- There appears to be some efforts in the community to get the nforce4 SATA controller working in os x from various **nix distros. I will see what i can pull off loading it afterwards. Anyone have any luck in this arena?
OK, this is the part that took me literally weeks to figure out, and will make your lives so much easier, thus why I'm sharing.
1) First, the Sil3114 driver is shoddy, and the Nforce SATA non-functional, so do yourselves a favor and find a nice cheap IDE drive.
3) Make SURE that your DVD drive is set to the SECONDARY MASTER and that you also set that jumper correctly. Cable select again will not work.
4) Download the Kalyway 10.5.2 AMD / Intel ISO. It's available through the normal channels.
5) Download the forcedeth.kext from here http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=12933 Put it on a USB stick formatted FAT32 (or HFS if you please).
- NOTE I tried both the Kalyway and the iATKOS 1.0ir2 CD's. In my opinion, the iATKOS install needs a LOT of polishing before it will be what Kalyway is already at. I do thoroughly enjoy having multiple teams working on something, but the Kalway install is much more streamlined, and for installing on non-Intel hardware, you need all the help you can get. Also, iATKOS doesn't have the nForceATA kexts included, so you get screwed on boot. . .
- NOTE: DUAL BOOTING - For people installing on Western Digital HDDs. There is no need to set HDD to MASTER if you're using only 1 HDD. No jumper is required to set to Master. If you do have the jumper set to MASTER after installation and on reboot and if you use GParted to set active boot partition back to Windows, you will get INVALID/NON SYSTEM DISK. This is a quirk with Western Digital drives. (This will save you from tearing your hair out as to why it won't boot to your Windows OS selector screen.)
The Good Stuff
Let me give credit where its due, I did utilize a few instructions that is in the 10.5.1 installation how-to for AMD that is linked on this wiki. But I'd have to say 98% of this is my own work. But thank you :)
So, lets get started.
1) Make sure you have everything downloaded that I listed in the pre-requirements.
2) Burn the Kalyway install to a DVD (single layer is all is required).
3) Keep the DVD in the tray, and reboot.
4) Access the BIOS.
5) On the main screen, make sure the IDE drive is primary master and the DVD is secondary master.
6) *OPTIONAL*Disable the Silicon Image Controller under Peripherals (for the sake of faster booting really. OS X won't detect it, so if you wanna leave it on, no biggie. )
7) Enable the AC97 sound if it's not already enabled.
8) Make sure the DVD drive is set to boot first, or else you'll have to pick it from the F8 boot menu
9) Save and Exit.
10) BIOS posts, and the kalyway DVD should load. Press F8 here and type -v to boot in verbose mode.
11) During POST, you'll see a lot of messages that if you've never used an open source OS before, you're probably not going to understand most of it. The important parts are that you see nForceATA get loaded, and that your HD gets loaded. THIS IS THE PART WHERE THE DREADED "still waiting for root device" appears. If you get the error, double check the requirements I set above.
12) Assuming you survive step 11, OS X should load the installer. It takes a decent amount of time, even with a 16x DVD drive, so be patient. Verbose mode helps because stuff actually comes up every so often to show its doing something before the GUI loads up.
13) Click next once you can, and then along the top the menu will load. Click Utilities, then Disk Utility.
14) Disk utility takes a little while to load and stat the available disks. It is here you will partition the drive you wish to install on. Click the Drive (not the indented names. Those are partitions already on the drive) and then click the "Partition" tab that shows in the right hand window.
15) Choose a Partition scheme of 1 Partition, name the drive "Leopard" and choose the Journaled File System (not case-sensitive). Now there will be a button labeled "Options" below the big rectangle representing your drive. Click that.
16) On the resulting window, make sure MBR is checked. I realize Kalyway claims GUID will work, but its only tested on Intel. MBR worked for me, so its what I recommend.
17) Click Ok, then OK on the original screen. It will warn that your going to erase whatever partitions are on the drive, and that one named Leopard will be created. Go ahead and OK that. It will take a second or two.
18) Once that finishes, close Disk Utility.
19) Proceed through the install, selecting the proper disk you just formatted, until you come to where you are about to begin the install, and there is the all important Customize button. Click that.
20) WHEW step 20. Take a breather, grab a drink, the next part requires some focus.
21) The customization screen opens. This is where Kalway distinguishes itself from iATKOS extremely.
a) Kernel: select ONLY the sleepycat kernel (default). If you want to hear about WHY sleepycat, read my kernel talk at the bottom.
b) VGA: I am using a Radeon HD3870. You'll have to dive into the menus, select the one labeled X2000_AND_X3000_HD and the NATIT selection. They're well marked.
c) I selected the forcedeth driver under networking, but it seemed to not install properly (thus for the USB copy).
d) The default sound selections worked for me... make sure both of the AC97 drivers are selected. I'm unsure which one it actually picked up.
e) If you want any of the "free" software, pick what you want.
f) Feel free to not install any of the language translations you won't need. If you like reading Japanese anime/manga though, or have any plans of using iTunes with foreign tag names, keep the translations.
g) AMD Patches: I selected Patch1 and the processor fix. It seems both are required for my motherboard. Your mileage may vary.
22) Click ok, and then click Install. Feel free to skip the DVD check. It takes eons to complete the check. Then wait about 20-40 minutes (depending on your selections) to install OS X.
23) Reboot the machine, remove the DVD from the drive when it POSTS.
24) Use the F8 boot menu to pick you HD, or just let it ride if no other boot devices are installed.
25) The Darwin boot loader should come up. Press a key, and then use -v for verbose just to watch the first boot.
26) With any luck, all will work well, and you will be greeted with the Leopard First-Run nonsense (I really wish they would let you bypass the damn "cute" intro).
27) Run through the registration. It won't have any internet connectivity (unless you got lucky and either the Yukon or the forcedeth drivers actually worked. They didn't in my case)
28) Plug your fancy USB drive in. Copy the forcedeth.kext onto the desktop.
29) Open Terminal
30) Change directory to your desktop (cd Desktop)
31) Issue these 3 commands:
sudo chown -R root:wheel forcedeth.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 forcedeth.kext
sudo kextload forcedeth.kext
32) With any luck, the forcedeth kext will load, and System Preferences will pop up an alert you have an unconfigured network card.
33) Click open, the new window opens, click the "advanced" button, then click "Ethernet" tab.
34) Set Configure: Manually, Speed: Autoselect, MTU: Standard (1500)
35) If you're running DHCP, you should receive an IP. If you're not, you saw where to enter that info.
THAT'S IT! You have a fully working OS X installation on an non-Intel platform!! Ok so its missing the SATA drivers and the one network card. The network card issue is fixable, there are drivers. The SATA support is crappy though. In my opinion, that the fault of the manufacturers for making crappy sata controllers. Do some research, get a nice PCI-Express sata controller (I personally like the Areca 1210, but im unsure if its OS X compatible).
--Post Mortem--
OK so you got it all working. But you want the ethernet driver to load automagically. No problem!
1) Open Finder
2) Click on you Hard drive (mine is named Leopard)
3) Double-click System
4) Double-click Library
5) Double-click Extensions
6) Drag and drop the forcedeth.kext into the new extensions window. It will fail to copy.
7) Click the authenticate button in the error window, and type in your password (this basically is the GUI way of doing the sudo cp -R command)
8) You should see the kext copied in. Now reboot, and let the magic happen! .
Source : http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Installation_Guides/Kalway_AMD_10_5_2
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