Seamless Experience

BERLIN, Germany (AVING Special Report on 'IFA 2008') -- Samsung Electronics unveiled ambitious plans to take the lead in developing products and technologies that help consumers from all walks of life be part of today's digital benefits.

In an opening keynote address titled "Seamless Experience," President Jongwoo Park highlighted Samsung's leadership in consumer electronics industry and shared Samsung's determination to develop products that not only surpass existing standards, but also help consumers who feel left behind catch up with the rapid pace of technological advances.

"'Seamless Experience' is the new buzzword in our industry and we have not just embraced it, we're leading it," said Dr. Park, who heads the Digital Media Business at Samsung Electronics. "Consumers today have access to some the most advanced devices but many of them do not work well together and we're on a mission to change that so consumers can fully enjoy the technological power of the devices anytime and anywhere."

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